题目:Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the length is 3. For "bbbbb" the longest substring is "b", with the length of 1.
public class Solution{ public static void main(String[] args) { String str="abcbbc"; System.out.println(lengthOfLongestSubstring(str)); } public static int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) { if(s==null && s.length()==0) return 0; HashSetset = new HashSet (); int max = 0; //最大不重复字符串长度 int left = 0; //不重复字符串起始位置 int right = 0; //不重复字符串结束为止 while(right